This screenshot shows the artist at a young age. The picture is in black and white, but you can see that her eyes are heavily and darkly made up. Above her face is written in white letters: "Scenario and art direction Yayoi Kusama".
Sammlung Goetz Filmbox

Yayoi Kusama: Walking Piece, 1966 & Kusama’s Self Obliteration, 1967

Yayoi Kusama's trademark is 'polka dots', the colored points that she leaves on canvases, objects and public spaces. She started her artistic career as a performer in New York. In its Filmbox, Sammlung Goetz presented two works from the Japanese artist's early period.

Dressed in a traditional kimono in bright pink and holding an umbrella decorated with flowers, Yayoi Kusama wanders around the streets of New York. Against the gray sea of houses, she seems as exotic as a colorful butterfly. The installation Walking Piece (1966) documents her walk with 25 colored slides.

Since earliest childhood, Kusama has suffered from mental illness. This manifests itself in hallucinations in which she experiences her entire environment as covered by dots. Kusama processes these experiences through her artwork.
In her body-painting actions in the late 1960s, Kusama painted naked people with dots. Similar to her hallucinations, this was intended to dissolve the boundaries between art, people and the environment. The artist's most famous happenings can be seen in the video film Kusama's Self-Obliteration (1967).


Gutai. Collection + Goetz

| Pinakothek der Moderne | Sammlung Moderne Kunst (Modern Art Collection)

Since 2019, in the context of the Sammlung+ format, the Sammlung Moderne Kunst has presented artistic discoveries, new acquisitions and thematic foci in the Pinakothek der Moderne in collaboration with partners and foundations. This has led to the emergence of new perspectives on the collections, new insights into research work and the establishment of new dialogues. It is in this framework that a selection of paintings by the Japanese artist group Gutai from the Sammlung Goetz will be presented in room 23, within a series of rooms focusing on near-contemporaneous regional and German abstraction phenomena under the title “Walk the Line.”  Founded in 1954 by the abstract painter Jiro Yoshihara, Gutai was one of the 20th century’s most innovative artistic movements, which combined action, abstraction and materiality.

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