Detail of the installation of the work "Floating Food"; red fabric strips hanging from the ceiling can be seen in a dark room as well as a video Still showing young Asian men in traditional work clothes on bicycles on a country road between green fields. Ulrike Ottinger, Sammlung Goetz Munich
Sammlung Goetz BASE 103

Ulrike Ottinger

„The grotesque helps us to endure the gravity of everyday life.“ (Ulrike Ottinger)

Coinciding with the Pawel Althamer exhibition, the Sammlung Goetz presents the newly-acquired work Floating Food, 2011, by German filmmaker Ulrike Ottinger. Floating Food is an audiovisual round-up of the artist’s travels in distant lands and cultures, focusing on two fundamental human needs: food and water.
Ottinger explores cultural phenomena and rituals that may often appear exotic to western eyes, taking us to remote, faraway places that reflect both the beauty and the harshness of human life. Her ethnographic portraits of landscapes and communities frequently possess a fairytale quality that almost imperceptibly blurs the distinction between reality and orchestration.
The 8-channel video installation is complemented by further video works and photographs by Ulrike Ottinger.



Ulrike Ottinger

176 pages, 172 ill., hardcover
2012, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern
ISBN 978-3-7757-3462-2
€ 25,00

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Gutai. Collection + Goetz

| Pinakothek der Moderne | Sammlung Moderne Kunst (Modern Art Collection)

Since 2019, in the context of the Sammlung+ format, the Sammlung Moderne Kunst has presented artistic discoveries, new acquisitions and thematic foci in the Pinakothek der Moderne in collaboration with partners and foundations. This has led to the emergence of new perspectives on the collections, new insights into research work and the establishment of new dialogues. It is in this framework that a selection of paintings by the Japanese artist group Gutai from the Sammlung Goetz will be presented in room 23, within a series of rooms focusing on near-contemporaneous regional and German abstraction phenomena under the title “Walk the Line.”  Founded in 1954 by the abstract painter Jiro Yoshihara, Gutai was one of the 20th century’s most innovative artistic movements, which combined action, abstraction and materiality.

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