The film still from the Cremaster series shows a blonde, pale made-up woman sitting under a table with a white tablecloth. She is wearing a white negligee with light-coloured suspenders, has her legs spread out in front of her and covers her crotch, but looks defiantly towards the camera. Dark grapes are arranged in front of her as a symbol.
Filmmuseum München

Matthew Barney: CREMASTER 4 und 1

Matthew Barney's opulent five-part CREMASTER cycle handles the subject of biological and psychological processes of creation.

The American artist has worked on the production of this monumental film series since 1994. It depicts highly complex levels of action that connect historical and mythical events with architectural concepts and biological models. The cycle does not begin in chronological order, but with CREMASTER 4 (1994), followed by CREMASTER 1 (1995). Not only did Barney write the script and direct the CREMASTER cycle, he always took on one of the leading roles.
The title refers to the Latin term for the cremaster muscle, which raises and lowers the testes. In response to external stimuli, this muscle causes a contraction that cannot be deliberately influenced.

Although every film can be viewed as an independent artwork, each is simultaneously part of a closed cycle consisting of the remaining films. In cooperation with Sammlung Goetz, the Filmmuseum is showing the first two parts from the CREMASTER cycle.


Eunju Hong. Somnium

| AkademieGalerie, München

For her project proposal, Somnium, Eunju Hong, a graduate of the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, has received the Media Art Award 2024, conferred by the Kunststiftung Ingvild und Stephan Goetz. The prize is acknowledged with 5,000 euros and includes an exhibition in the AkademieGalerie in September 2024.


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